Today another CallBanner is launched. Electrabel offers a CallBanner at energieprijzen.nl, a Dutch site that compares different utility companies.
The CallBanner offers the website visitors to call directly from the banner, by entering their phone number. Directly after the visitor clicks the 'call me' button, the connection to the provided phone number is established and forwarded to an Electrabel agent.
Besides the call option, the online visitor can click on the CallBanner to a landing page. This ensures the efficient use of the Callbanner; leads who want to contact you directly are able to start a call without the need to browse the landing page for contact details, and leads who prefer to go to the landing page, to investigate more about the offer.
Electrabel starts with 24/7 support (wow!) so the CallBanner does not have to change appearance outside office hours. When support is only available during office hours, the CallBanner offers a Call-me-Back solution outside office hours.
Click the banner below to see the dynamic version of the CallBanner.

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